Call of Duty: World At War- Mods & Resources by the CoD:WaW Modding Community. GamesCall of Duty: World At War This game has not been approved yet. Note that you won't be able to submit content to this game until it is approved. ...
"H:\Game\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe" +set fs_game mods/PeZBOTWAW +exec serverbot.cfg 4)下载小Vin 的建服设置文件serverbot.cfg 放到COD5游戏主目录中的main文件夹内! X:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\main\serverbot.cfg 5)启动刚刚建立的快...
+set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW"如:“ "D:\Games\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe" +set fs_game "mods/PeZBOTWAW" ” 根据自己情况而定。游戏中打开控制台,使用如下指令以配置机器人:/svr_pezbots # (#为数字,以指定加入机器人的数量)/svr_pezbots_skill #(#为0~1的参数...
You can now take your mod and players folder back to that install: +set fs_localAppData "C:\Program Files\Activison\Call of Duty - World at War" +fs_game mods/yourmod If you now look in your COD:WaW install, you will find a 'players' folder, and a nested folder structure: mods\...
PS3 Call of Duty FastFile Editor for COD4 (Modern Warfare) & COD5 (World at War) editorps3cod4fffastfileps3-toolmodern-warfarecod5world-at-warps3-mods UpdatedJun 30, 2024 C# A reimagined Call Of Duty: World at War campaign experience ...
1Call of Duty - World at War\main\iw_00.iwd: 解压加密文件CRC校验错误! 可能是输入的密码不正确F:\game\l4d2\插件\这就是命第五章.part01.rar2: 这就是命第五章.part05.rar: CRC校验错误,压缩卷被破坏F:\game\l4d2\插件\这就是命第五章.part05.rar3Call of Duty - World at War\main\iw_...
使命的召唤世界战争最新补丁1.5版是一个比较大的补丁。它增加了3个新多人游戏地图,包括“万岁崖” , “废弃的训练场”和“潜艇基地” 。一个新僵尸地图“ Shi No Numa”包括新的武器和来自地狱的猎狗。改进安全的重生机制。这个补丁同时也修正漏洞和错误,并改进支持自定义MODS的一些功能和地图。电脑补丁1.5 :...以下还有N多CoDW@W必不可少的工具;cat=20以下是1.1破解补丁
找到并下载:Call of Duty: World at War v1.7 [WINDOWS] LAN FIX 然后改名为CoDWaW.exe覆盖游戏目录下的源文件)。 运行CoDWaW.exe后,在主菜单的MODS里选择相对应的地图运行,然后在Find Game找到其他人的房间进入,或者用Host LAN建自己的房间, 如果想一个人玩的话,在设置里Enable Console(允许控制台),然后按...
COD World War 2 Boost Your Combat Performance With MegaModz Controllers COD Infinite Warfare Get Pro-Level With Modded Controllers For COD Infinite Warfare COD Modern Warfare The Time Has Come. Show Off Your Skills With MegaModz Controllers ...