The zombies mode takes some getting used to as there is alot more stuff to do than there was in WAW but i think that campaign by itself was worth 60$. If your a fan of COD than this game is a must. kattman 00 5 out of 5 stars review 11/29/2010 a great gameI expect allot ...
由于之前EA的截至2011年6月份的财报已经公布《战地:叛逆连队2》销量达成900万,这样的数据也并不离谱,恭喜《战地:叛逆连队2》成为了第7款售破千万的 次世代游戏。 达成1000万销量的次世代游戏: 《使命召唤4:现代战争(COD4:MW)》(约1300万) 《使命召唤:世界大战(COD:WAW)》(约1500万) 《使命召唤:现代战争2(CO...
外貌原型是Wii版CoD:WaW的最初关卡"Semper Fi"中一开始说"你不够强大"的日本陆军将校(右边的图像是PC、PS3、Xbox360版的Takeo。只有Wii版不知道为什么戴了顶帽子)。 CoD:WaW与CoD:BO中Takeo的脸有所不同,在CoD:WaW中他是混在日本陆军一般士兵中的大众脸将校(左边图像)。
Cod WaW 并未被德国禁售(慕尼黑 GameStop 还能见到 8 欧元的未开封实体版),但根据本国法律做出了...
以我玩过COD多人来看,我的个人排名 BO>BO2>BO3>WAW>MW1>MW2>GHOST>MW3 COD1,UO,2多人玩过,...
OVERVIEW TMG Castle is my latest zombie map using the "Quizz mod" based on the WAW mp map - Castle. The map is akin to the stock zombie maps with it's creepy atmosphere and many different paths to open. included are all the things you would expect from one of my maps and more, so...
Looking for WaW xp lobby, I'd like to get to max prestige so I can unlock the Reznov gamerpic. Reply Aug 21, 2023 #68 I ieuanevs21 Newbie Messages 0 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sin$ 7 Gt-Dinger Phill, unlock all and max prestige Reply Aug 21, 2023 #69 T Tw... is home to Call of Duty and Modern Warfare glitches, exploits, jumps, nade jumps, bounces and nade throws!