第二种方法,在你单机的快捷方式目标栏最后加上 +set fs_game mods/KPsound_v1 第三种方法,进入...
Vista解压到C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\PeZBOTWAW\mod.ff 3)然后在桌面建立CoDWaWmp.exe的快捷路径。右击-属性。在“目标”栏的最后加入指令 +set fs_game mods/PeZBOTWAW +exec serverbot.cfg 小Vin的快捷路径 "H:\Game\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp....
You can now take your mod and players folder back to that install: +set fs_localAppData "C:\Program Files\Activison\Call of Duty - World at War" +fs_game mods/yourmod If you now look in your COD:WaW install, you will find a 'players' folder, and a nested folder structure: mods\...
Call of Duty: World At War- Mods & Resources by the CoD:WaW Modding Community. GamesCall of Duty: World At War This game has not been approved yet. Note that you won't be able to submit content to this game until it is approved. ...
+set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 0 +set fs_game mods/ownamwaw +exec server.cfg +map_...
使命的召唤世界战争最新补丁1.5版是一个比较大的补丁。它增加了3个新多人游戏地图,包括“万岁崖” , “废弃的训练场”和“潜艇基地” 。一个新僵尸地图“ Shi No Numa”包括新的武器和来自地狱的猎狗。改进安全的重生机制。这个补丁同时也修正漏洞和错误,并改进支持自定义MODS的一些功能和地图。电脑补丁1.5 :...
CoDJumper.com is home to Call of Duty and Modern Warfare glitches, exploits, jumps, nade jumps, bounces and nade throws!
【COD:WAW ..离线bot http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnuC4Zd 文件夹放在:Win7:C:\Documents and Settings\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Ac