nazi_zombie_bocage 小树林nazi_zombie_bonzai 【理解不能= =地图也不知道该叫它什么好】nazi_zombie_doom3x 口碑很好的图nazi_zombie_lagerhaus 【我不知道这地图该叫什么1】nazi_zombie_little 小而精的地图nazi_zombie_rage2_v2 【我不知道这地图该叫什么2】nazi_zombie_rtkanal 【我不知道这地图该叫什么3...
新型僵尸boss 特殊关卡下地图局部 新式武器new weapons Japanese type 11 sten MKII-S
OVERVIEW TMG Castle is my latest zombie map using the "Quizz mod" based on the WAW mp map - Castle. The map is akin to the stock zombie maps with it's creepy atmosphere and many different paths to open. included are all the things you would expect from one of my maps and more, so...
OVERVIEW TMG Castle is my latest zombie map using the "Quizz mod" based on the WAW mp map - Castle. The map is akin to the stock zombie maps with it's creepy atmosphere and many different paths to open. included are all the things you would expect from one of my maps and more, so...
com / downloads / codww / maps / nazi_zombie_frt . zip 地上有武器捡,但这图有个令人郁闷的地方 17楼2011-12-20 23:03 回复 www593344314 天启制止 10 顶一个,周末试试 来自手机贴吧18楼2011-12-21 06:53 回复 Time-菌 美好明天 14
Call of Duty: Stocked is an independent Call of Duty project created by ADIEStudios. The game itself takes place in the near future, where the nation of Poland has been reborn into a brutal authoritarian military junta and is on the brink of starting Wor
A "remastered patch" for the Call of Duty: World at War default four zombie maps: Nacht Der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese. The aim of... Fall of Berlin Oct 10 2024Released 2018First Person Shooter Fight alongside Sgt. Reznov in the even more historically accurate scenar...
CoDJumper Mod CoDJumper. CoDJumper is a site which lists and hosts demos of jumps in stock maps for all the CoD series. CoDJumper also hosts a lot of jump maps for all the CoDJumpers out there. The CoDJumper community is a large community (1000+ members on the forum)....