INSANE BO1 NACHT CHALLENGE! MG08, Ray Gun Mark 2, Wind Staff... CoD Zombies MoD我不懂一切的苦难 立即播放 打开App,一起发弹幕看视频100+个相关视频 更多6.6万 51 8:03 App 【COD】使命召唤12 植物大战僵尸 2783 2 6:30 App 【COD】使命召唤12 植物大战僵尸·少女前线4人BOT 49 -- 11:48 ...
神秘武器-Ray Gun 僵尸模式的特殊武器,曾在多代作品中出现,世界大战、黑色行动1/2中,可以说是僵尸模式最具代表性的武器。
Ray Gun在“Little Resistance”的开局阶段作为彩蛋武器出现。 “Little Resistance”中,在玩家刚刚登陆并用炮击清理掉敌人的机枪碉堡时,玩家可以看到前方的沙滩上有数个弹坑。玩家需要按从右往左的顺序在每个弹坑中各停留约7秒,若彩蛋触发成功则会出现震屏特效并有四只狮子石雕从地里钻出,每个石雕都衔着一把Ray ...
It basically blocks the player’s sight making it harder to locate or aim at the enemy even when using ADS. Also, players say that theFinn LMG is brokenin the sense that it only shows the barrel of the gun. The bug lets users fire the gun as if they are firing from the hip. 02...
And there is %30 of chance is that gun texture problem still exists ... So still nothing solved completely... But give it a try maybe you can bear the noise problem til the problem is fixed ... Oh and I have sent 2 bug reports for this problem ... Here is th...
Size 20.73mb (21,738,025 bytes) Downloads 272 (1 today) MD5 Hash 37355c1e5dc5dbe70e282561c3dd6204 Embed Button Embed Widget 20.73mbDownload Now Description Model of the Russian anti-aircraft missile system 2K12 "Cube" (NATO index: SA-6) from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.Read...