据《华尔街日报》报道,知情人士透露,微软计划将今年的《使命召唤》新作加入Game Pass。如果消息属实,这将是CoD系列游戏首次进入订阅服务,意味着Game Pass订阅用户不用额外花钱购买,就能畅玩《使命召唤》。微软计划对其电子游戏的销售策略进行重大调整,在推出《使命召唤》新作时将它纳入订阅服务,而不再固守长期以来按单销售...
Game Pass Console:订阅者仅能在Xbox Series X|S或Xbox One主机上游玩《黑色行动6》的战役。要访问在线的多人模式和僵尸模式,用户需要额外订阅Game Pass Core或升级到Game Pass Ultimate。Console订阅者将获得主机上的数字跨世代捆绑包。 Game Pass Core:该层级包含在线主机多人游戏访问权限,这是游玩Xbox主机上《黑...
唯一的例外是Game Pass Core,但这个等级更类似于重新命名的Xbox Live Gold。 微软今年仍有可能宣布XGP涨价,但目前看来并没有这样的计划。微软规定的层级定价如下: - Game Pass Ultimate(XGP终极版):16.99美元/月 - Game Pass for Console(XGP主机板):10.99美元/月 - PC Game Pass(XGP PC版):9.99美元/月 -...
【CoD系列新作或将推动Game Pass订阅用户数大涨数百万】《使命召唤21:黑色行动6》即将发售,它也是CoD系列历史上首款在发售日进入Game Pass订阅服务的游戏。在海外,游戏行业的专家们普遍认为,这部新作将推动Game Pass的订阅用户数大涨,新增订阅用户数可能达到数百万。市场研究公司Ampere的首席游戏分析师Piers Harding-Roll...
Story $MSFT❖ Microsoft Plans to Put Latest Call of Duty Game on Subscription Service, Sources Say -- WSJ❖ Microsoft Move May Help Bolster Game Pass Subscription Service -- WSJ❖ Microsoft's Call Of Duty Decision Marks Change From Previous Release
注意最后一句话“And we anticipate that we would begin adding games into Game Pass sometime in the course of next year.”,并没有说adding these games,只是说明年会加入游戏 来自Android客户端7楼2023-10-10 13:07 回复 浮缠xr C.I.A. 8 这内容里只说cod20和暗黑4今年没上,明年开始会把动视暴雪...
送一个PC GAME..想要用 PC Game Pass 玩游戏? 我有一个免费的 14 天试用可以送给你。这个我请客!通过2024/8/25兑换:https://www.xbox.com/xbox-game-pass/in
Control:42 Mobility:80 With a fire rate of 91, the FFAR 1 is the fastest-firing assault rifle in COD: Mobile, making it effective in all ranges for eliminating opponents. For more CoD Action, playCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox ...
coming in through subscriptions will be more than what Xbox pays to get games on Game Pass....
We are very confident that it will appear inCall of Duty Mobile, but we will let you know when we have more details on the game modes available. Are there Micro-Transactions in the game? Yes, there are in-game currency (COD Points / Credits) to buy gears and skins from the game sto...