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Best Basilisk loadout in MW3 Zombies Joey Carr Joey Carr Category: Guides Call of Duty Best MCW 6.8 loadout in MW3 Zombies Joey Carr Joey Carr Category: Call of Duty Guides How to unlock the Clutch Operator Skin in MW3 and Warzone ...
The London Royal Ravens are the latest teams to announce a substitute for the 2021 Call of Duty League season. European prodigy, Marcus “Afro” Reid joins his home team for the season, being yet another amateur to find his way onto a CDL roster. Afro is a 19 year old brit who began ...
In Winners Finals, We Are Trying Now took on Arial Arise, a surprise competitor in the Top 3. Regardless, they were dispatched of in a quick 3-0, moving onto Grand Finals. Here, it was #1 seed Built By Gamers as their opponents. However, they didnt put up much of a fight, and an...
For the 2021 Season, Neptune will act as a substitute player for the Florida Mutineers. With over 30 tournaments to be played throughout the season, we may get to see Neptune in action.