速报:steam上的cod解锁国区 只看楼主收藏回复 恶魔猎手一世 小吧主 15 但是这和你游依然不能直接在国区购买又有什么关系呢 送TA礼物 1楼2022-03-09 12:23回复 -残響- 吧主 15 是除MW2,MW3之外的cod恢复国区,至于你游么, 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-03-09 12:30 回复 ...
Why does my MW2 flicker? Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has a very common screen flickering bug that many users have reported. It usually indicates a problem with the device’s graphics drivers. To fix this, check the settings of your dedicated graphics card application and make sure you ha...
If the issue is still present, then your only option might be to reinstall the game from scratch. Dev error 6146 can appear in Warzone 2, MW3, and other games, and in most cases, it’s caused by outdated graphics card drivers, so be sure to update them. This is just one of many ...
PC:225.000 份(27%) [lbk]lbk[rbk]Steam:71.000[lbk]rbk[rbk]Xbox:221.000 份(27%)PS4:102.000 份(12%)使命召唤:现代战争 3总销量:529.000 份PS5:242.000 份(46%)Xbox:136.000 份(26%)PC:88.000 份(17%)PS4:63.000 份(12%)使命召唤:黑色行动 6总销量:450.000 份PS5:315.000 份(70%)PC:72.000 ...
If you get the Disconnected from Steam error when you launch or during COD MW II gameplay, then the fixes in this post are sure to help you.
Repairing the Modern Warfare 2 game files through Steam The game file repair process will be finished within a few minutes. And after it finishes, the launcher will inform you if it located (and repaired) any missing/corrupted files. If the launcher did not find anything wrong with MW2’s...
《COD19:MW2》公开试玩Steam页面上线 9月25日解锁 今日(9月21日),FPS游戏《使命召唤19:现代战争2》公开试玩Steam页面现已正式上线,公开试玩活动将于9月25日正式解锁,预购《使命召唤19:现代战争2》玩家可于9月23日提前参加公开试玩,感兴趣的玩家可以点击此处进入商店页面。加入CODMW2公开试玩,亲自体验CODMW...
保险一点,可以趁psn 上mw2骨折时买一份,Psn账号和steam账号绑定同一个动视账号,然后Psn 登录,确保steam上的东西同步到同一个Psn 账号,再买mw3。 来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-08-28 11:43 收起回复 MZI- Jugger 14 同一个动视号就好了,不用再买19 来自iPhone客户端6楼2023-08-28 12:25 收起回复 丶...
12年的时候接触的d版,发现点开多人就报错,拿报错内容百度了下发现了steam,接着就开始入补票了。当初还买了个mw2的实体盘,可惜在学校被偷了,还好key已经用了。玩到aw开始飞飞飞就没什么感觉了,后面bo3也没什么兴趣,一直到nmw发预告才开始回坑的 来自iPhone客户端12楼2020-12-05 20:48 回复 机器...
今日(9月21日),FPS游戏《使命召唤19:现代战争2》公开试玩Steam页面现已正式上线,公开试玩活动将于9月25日正式解锁,预购《使命召唤19:现代战争2》玩家可于9月23日提前参加公开试玩,感兴趣的玩家可以点击此处进入商店页面。 加入CODMW2公开试玩,亲自体验CODMW2标志性的多人游戏战斗。Infinity Ward为粉丝们带来了最...