Even moreso than the MW2 Russian airport. This game has melee and I look forward to what the will bring to the class... On WWII the shovel and the sword were my favorites but I'm looking forward to getting Captain Price's pick axe....
今年MW2是王牌工作室IW三年满工期资源拉满外加满世界挖人打出的全力一击,可以说是献祭1718的大招,1718工期最紧张的时候动视都没从IW抽人就是为了保证MW2不受影响 1128324 使命召唤吧 黑鹰BLAKHAWK CoD18入门指南(画面设置&武器配装)| 先锋 Vanguard Beta 测试就在9月19日,使命召唤官方宣布 将《CoD18:先锋》B测...
这感觉是真她妈的恶心 分享615 使命召唤吧 来这里只为资料 目前mw2的新枪匠省流总结从枪口 下挂 外置镭射 弹药种类 瞄准镜 后握把中进行6选3 每一把武器的枪管 弹夹 枪托 机闸都是必选,目前还不能不选 其中机闸将会是目前cod枪匠中从未见过的全新类型,不知道会带来什么样的改变 目前xa好像还没有看到类似...
After months of speculation, Modern Warfare 3 Zombies appears to be on the cards ahead of the Call of Duty MW3 reveal event in COD Warzone.
MW2Ghost also followed this message up by saying, “Worded this a bit weird, so, it was originally set for Q2 of this year under a deal with PlayStation, but not sure if that’s still the case (date). Apparently, it’s definitely still coming at some point this year.” ...