DespiteCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3‘s rocky launch, with critics panning its disappointing campaign and the title sitting at a Mostly Negative rating on Steam, Activision reported a positive shift in sentiment on Friday, stating that “player engagement is up” for their flagship title. Recomm...
Can someone really be on level 3 with 15 wins and 41 deaths in 15 seconds or even minutes? There is a discussion page at where you can ask questions about how the fields are calculated. Are you on the leaderboard ...
伴随着《使命召唤16:现代战争(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)》第二赛季的更新,大逃杀模式也随之一并泄露,目前可以确定的是动视会在3月推出的一个独立模式,命名为“Warzone”。根据知名爆料人@Okami13的消息,“Warzone”模式将于3月10日正式发布,这还没完,他还爆料今年《使命召唤6:现代战争2》也将推出重制版,下...
Recently, there has been a huge surge in purchases for the 2016 titleCall of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, but the potential reason behind it suggests another game in the long-running shooter series should get a re-release. As its name would suggest, the title was a remastered version of...