weight loss, vomiting, drooling, weakness, and constipation. Your cat mightrefuse food, pass blood in his stool, and even have seizures. Seek immediate veterinary help if you notice any of these symptoms after giving your cat cod liver oil. He might die if you don't...
a If you are pregnant or currently taking medication, it is recommended that you contact your physician before using cod liver oil on a regular basis. Otherwise, cod liver oil has been found to be safe for the general population
“When David Wetzel, the owner of Green Pasture, first began making the fermented cod liver oil, he sent it toNDI laboratories in Canada(associated with Guelph University) for Vitamin D testing. He was surprised when these tests came back showing Vitamin D2, with very little or no D3. Mr...
Studies have been showed that cod liver oil, no matter if taken in supplement form or as whole food form can help lower high triglycerides levels therefore lowering the risk of heart diseases. Cod liver oil is also good for treating high blood pressure and may be helpful in cholesterol levels...