at least three squads must remain in a match for a disconnected player to rejoin. Matches can be canceled during the pre-lobby once the player count drops below 13 squads.
bind 5 "name ^9V^64^9.ShadowS^6.^9LOW CLAN" bind 6 "name Bitchezz^909 ^7wizz" bind 7 "name buzzeRd elite-3k2^4|^7KinG" bind 8 "say ^8L^7evel up^8!" bind 9 "name steel^4series^7.Blizzard" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind A "+moveleft" bind B "+binoculars" bind C "gocro...
at least three squads must remain in a match for a disconnected player to rejoin. Matches can be canceled during the pre-lobby once the player count drops below 13 squads.