The Xbox 360 was the best selling version of Call of Duty: Black Ops in the game's opening week. Out of the 2 million sold copies in the UK, 55 percent were Xbox 360 versions and 42 percent PlayStation 3. The PC, DS and Wii versions took the remaining 3 percent. News Archives ...
The Nintendo DS version of Call of Duty: Black Ops has many new features like the Perks system for the six player online multiplayer. The player can tap an icon to switch the current weapon for a new one, like past DS games, or drag the weapon into an inactive button to add to their...
美式打枪游戏终于在日本市场扬眉吐气了一回——据Media Create的统计,上周日本游戏市场游戏软件销量排名依次为: 01. 《使命的召唤:Black Ops》(PS3) - 129000 / 新上榜 02. 《Super Kaseki horida》(DS) - 43000 / 新上榜 03. 《口袋妖怪黑/白》(DS) - 40000 / 累计4451000 04. 《超级马里奥25周年合...
官方最终版本共包含4张僵尸模式地图,亡者之夜(Nacht der Untoten)为原版附带,僵尸疗养院( Verrückt )在DLC1里,死亡沼泽(Shi no Numa)在DLC2里,僵尸工厂(Der Riese)在DLC3里。《使命召唤:黑色行动》(Call of Duty:Black Ops)及《使命召唤:黑色行动3》(Call of Duty:Black Ops 3)通过DLC的方式移植了上述地...
预览 [新闻] 《使命召唤6:现代战争2》也有DS版 同步上市 keing0828 2009-8-5 12:02 62637 cjchbd 2009-8-7 19:42 预览 [新闻] 抱歉,数据过期已被移除,帖子已失效 f1996 2009-8-6 21:50 41578 索尼必胜 2009-8-7 19:02 预览 [原创] 使命召唤4killers战队qq群号56750703 xxuxu3 2009-8-6 18:...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (COD IIII Playstation 4 - PS4) game modes include Blackout, Multiplayer & Zombies 94.2 out of 5 Stars. 9 reviews Mature 17+ Activision Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Xbox 360 Add $19.99current price $19.99 $60.00Was $60.00Activision Call of Duty: ...
lan... My Discord: / discord Friends: FaultyL3: / @faultyl3 1st Song: • ROUDS, Darci - Throwback 2nd Song: / bgagurrru528ebpwa Outro Song: • shrxpnel -100BARS ignore Hacking BO6 SND SnD SnD BO6 BO6 search and destroy Black Ops 6 search and destroy Black Ops 6 snd cod ...
之后的 Black Ops 系列也根据德国法律在当地发售修改版本。
// 官方的FAQ: 值得注意的是,这份FAQ中提到了已经离开玩家视野很久的MOD功能 简单的翻译一下: The Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack for PC 分享1310 cod16吧 张驴驴sky 提问。
不知道会带来什么样的改变 目前xa好像还没有看到类似cw和vg的精确数值系统比如显示伤害射速距离射程,但是不确定后面是没有看到还是真的没有 解锁方式:以武器平台为基础解锁,比如m4平台解锁了m16,另一侧解锁了.458 socom(类似dmr的只有十发的大威力,以m4平台为基础),沿 分享6166 使命召唤手游吧 shdjdjdssej 看了...