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It was released for Xbox 360 on July 2, 2013, and PC and PS3 on August 1. It includes new zombies map Buried as well as new multiplayer maps Cove, Detour, Rush and a remake of the popular map Summit from Black Ops: Uplink. The fourth and final major DLC pack is called ...
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(field of view) from 60 to 90, and with the proper tools, bypass the limit and go beyond it. With that in mind, you would expect that Black Ops 2 PC would do the same, but Treyarch's Director of Technology, Cesar Stastny, also known as pcdev, revealed on Twitter that the game ...
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预览 [分享] Call of Duty Black Ops V1.0 Plus 4 Trainer [黑色行动:4项修改器] ...23456..52 sky8636222 2010-11-10 11:42 154728212 3DM25195388 2025-2-28 19:25 预览 [原创] 【3DM原创首发】使命召唤7:黑色行动多功能修改器正式版(增加穿墙,隐身,加速跑等功能,优化无敌模式,已经不在晃动) .....
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