而且我相信每个COD多人玩家也都在对战中遭遇过所谓“瞬狙击杀”(Quickscope Kill)——使用狙击枪(包括狙击步枪和精确射手步枪,下同)在举枪瞄准(Aimming Down Sight,以下简称ADS)构成瞄准视野的瞬间准星正对目标一击毙区(One-shot kill zone)开枪达成击杀。 献丑了 很多玩家在深恶痛绝此类对手的同时也暗自期望自己...
Accuracy and time to aim down sight is improved while jumping. - Focus Reduce flinch when aiming down sights and extend Hold Breath duration. - Bounty Hunter Earn extra score towards your scorestreaks by killing enemies with bounties. Enemies get a bounty every time they kill three players in ...
option~keyboard~weapon~aim down sight~把hold改成toggle即可 来自Android客户端2楼2019-09-20 13:41 收起回复 冷笑的路西法 ODIN 9 按住的话节奏快点 来自Android客户端3楼2019-09-20 15:49 回复 这一剑叫普攻 MANIAC 11 设置里面,鼠标键盘选项,下面有个举枪行为显示的是按住,改一下就行 来自Androi...
planting or defusing bombs, or controlling Scorestreaks.- RestockRecharge equipment over 25 seconds.- SpotterSpot enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. Aiming down sights highlights them for the team. Hack enemy IED’s, Landmines, C4, ...
Aim Down Sight:Hold Armor Plate Behavior:Choose one Interact/Reload Behavior:Select ‘reload’ as your first choice Automatic Sprint:Turn it off Weapon Mount Activation:Melee+ADS Equipment Behavior:Hold Input Controller Vibration:Keep it on
Quickdraw: Aim down sight time x0.5 and equipment usage time x0.5. ADS速度x0.5, 装备使用速度x0.5 Blast Shield: Explosive damage x0.55 and flashbang/stun duration x0.5. 爆炸物伤害抵抗力x0.55, 闪光和震撼持续时间减少x0.5 Assassin:Grants immunity to EMP grenades as well. Can not call in kill...
setting》Aim Down Sight Behavlor 切换一下就好了 来自iPhone客户端4楼2020-10-16 04:56 收起回复 隔空碎奶罩123 新兵 1 7700HQ... 5楼2020-10-19 01:41 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示7回复贴,共1页 <返回...
7% decrease to the aim-down-sight time 11% increase to the rate of fire 10% increase to the neck, lower-torso, and hand-damage multipliers MP perk and killstreak changes A change was made to the Infantry Vest perk to add a second gear perk slot. However,...
Based on the new Season 1 Assault Rifle, the All ’Rounder offers a gray and black design complemented by improved aim down sight speed, aim walking speed, and sprint to fire speed. Move to BlackCell, and expect the same improvements, but a different set of attachments. With either ver...
The mobility stat accounts not only for how long it takes to aim down sights but also your travel speed when using the weapon. Control Control accounts for vertical recoil, which is especially important for quick follow-up shots. Losing the sight picture tends to be problematic when your ...