最后作者想说,PC键鼠玩家认为手柄玩家有辅助瞄准(Aim Assist)和辅助导向(Target Assist)而觉得手柄玩家太菜容易瞄准的观念是错误的。因为在手柄撤销辅助后手柄依然落后于键鼠的起跑线,手柄控制武器的难度远远超越键鼠,添加辅助不是方便用手柄玩而是用手柄太困难鼠标的灵敏度,移动范围都要比手柄的摇杆要大,鼠标可以一次性...
Also featuring a brand-new Aim Assist which is now more accurate over longer distances, and like Anti-Recoil can be fine-tuned in real-time. The best Aim Assist ever used with Call of Duty! Other essential options include Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo Fire, Jump Shot, Crouch Shot, Drop...
It basically blocks the player’s sight making it harder to locate or aim at the enemy even when using ADS. Also, players say that theFinn LMG is brokenin the sense that it only shows the barrel of the gun. The bug lets users fire the gun as if they are firing from the hip. 02...
Our Warzone hacks for PC are comprehensive and include: Precision Aimbot: Master every shot with our sophisticated Aimbot, featuring bullet drop prediction for unparalleled accuracy. Superior ESP and Wallhacks: Gain a strategic overview with our ESP tools, revealing opponents and essential items throu...
This consists of four Perks — two base, plus two more known as a “Bonus” and “Ultimate.” All are earned during a Multiplayer match, usually at the 4- and 8-minute mark in non-round-based modes. Kills, assists, objective and tactical plays can unlock these more quickly. Edit y...
多 +1 分享3913 使命召唤吧 超合金句号 简单解释一下PC玩家对aim assist的矛盾起源XIM镇楼 216171 使命召唤吧 碧目鱼 cod17到底如何秒狙啊,怎么配枪啊 多人对战,被对面的瞄狙搞崩溃了~开镜速度贼快,精彩瞬间回放也是各种秒开,并且都是一枪一个! 分享5141 使命召唤吧 合金潜艇 COD14的准星怎么调出来? PS4...
More:COD: Black Ops Cold War Aim Assist Is Utterly Broken Right Now Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Waris available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.
Lock the target, aim at the cranium, and fire. This team mode, played on a small moshpit of maps, is for skilled players that can demonstrate impressive aim. Using Team Deathmatch rules, augmented by the fact that only headshots count when eliminating other players; no damage is dealt, ...
that's just aim assist... airbud7, Oct 2, 2017 #5 sammarbella and cryohellinc like this. XP-200 Ancient Guru Messages: 6,589 Likes Received: 1,989 GPU: MSI RTX 4060 8GB And i thought it would take them at least months. Lol XP-200, Oct 2, 2017 #6 pimpineasy Mast...
New Season 3 Rewards: Throughout Season 3, you can earn the following rewards related to your match placement, as well as your Kills and Assists:Placement Challenges:Finish in the Top 15, 25 Times: “Eat. Sleep. Ranked. Repeat” Large Decal....