在德国科隆正在进行的游戏展会上,微软公布了一款1TB特别版的XBOX ONE主机,这款主机将搭载《使命召唤11:高级战争》一起发售。 主机手柄可以自选,不带Kinect体感设备。该捆绑版将于11月3日发售,售价为499.99美元。 《使命召唤:高级战争》(《Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare》) 是由动视暴雪旗下工作室Sledgehammer Games...
* Advanced Arsenal Bonus The power of the next generation of advanced soldier. The power of a gripping performance from Kevin Spacey. The power of all-new exoskeleton gameplay mechanics. Power changes everything. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare delivers an inspired new era of Call of Duty. ...
Used Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare For Xbox One COD Shooter This product may not have been manufacturer certified but has been professionally inspected, tested and cleaned by Walmart Used Program Sellers and Suppliers Fully functional product in Like New Condition that may or may not have...
Advanced Warfare Upgrade Plans Revealed October 8, 2014 Activision has officially announced that all Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, that are bought digitally, will receive a free upgrade to the next-gen version. The offer is valid until March 31, 2015 and works only on the...
Communauté française de Call of Duty depuis 2007 - Black Ops III, Advanced Warfare, Ghosts, Black Ops II, Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2, World at War, Modern Warfare, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty...
《使命召唤:高级战争》(英语:Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)是一款由Sledgehammer Games开发并由美国动视发行的第一人称射击游戏。本作是使命召唤系列的第11款正统续作,也是第1款由Sledgehammer Games为主要开发团队开发的系列作品。游戏于2014年11月4日在Windows,第八世代主机Xbox One和PlayStation 4以及上一世代Xb...
而在有限的选择中,最传奇梦幻的无线手柄样式,就肯定是非 Titanfall《泰坦陨落》与 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare《使命召唤11:高级战争》两款游戏涂装手把莫属了。这两款无线手柄在外观上分别加入了这两款第一人称射击游戏的专属样式,加上细节与配色、可以说是尊爵不凡的极品手柄,理所当然的数量也是相当有限,自从...
近日,《使命召唤》(COD)系列最新作宣传视频泄漏,最新作将名为《使命召唤11:未来战争》(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare),将于今年的11月4日发售。 从最近发布的《使命召唤11:未来战争》宣传片中可以看出,使命召唤系列即将迎来令人期待的新作,游戏有很多全新的设计,是时候进入次时代FPS游戏了。《泰坦天降》已经做出...
As 3 principais razões para jogar Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Experimente os campos de batalha do futuro em Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Tecnologia, armamento e táticas futuristas estão à sua disposição nesta entrada de próxima geração de COD. ...