COD2: The Germans Modis a mod forCall of Duty 2, created byGahler. Description (in author’s own words): In this mod, you will play as German soldiers in all maps. Has two custom maps, storylines, alternative history and etc. This mod is not intended to promote any ideology! The m...
German halftracks in pre-1942 missions are using MG34 machine guns only. Missions that take place in 1943 and beyond use either the MG34 or MG42.
This mod has you play as the Axis, among other changes. See full details for the complete list.
seta net_socksUsername "" seta picmip2 "^2PICMIP^9-2 ; r_picmip 2 ; r_picmip_bump 2; r_picmip_manual 1 ;r_picmip_spec 2 ; set mystyl3picmip vstr picmip3" seta picmip3 "^2PICMIP^9-3 ; r_picmip 3 ; r_picmip_bump 3; r_picmip_manual 1 ;r_picmip_spec 3 ; set mystyl3picm...
Call of Duty: WWII single player campaign will feature an infiltration mission, in which you will have to disguise yourself as a German soldier. See what else Game Informer managed to find out about the game. video games August 10, 2017 ...
预览 [秘籍] 不需要存档,就能关卡全解,情报全解的方法 Fox2 2010-12-20 20:02 236162 3dm_31551227 2024-10-28 00:45 预览 [补丁] BOT玩家欢呼吧,支持skidrow4号升级的BOT联机破解补丁来了(更新1.53版classMOD制作工具;特别感谢Baos提供) ...23456..96 zc3278 2010-12-19 18:23 2877132404 fff44479546...
seta g_spSkill "2" seta g_TeamColor_Allies "0.25098 0.25098 0.74902 0" seta g_TeamColor_Axis "0.6 0.6 0.6 0" seta g_TeamName_Allies "MPUI_BRITISH" seta g_TeamName_Axis "MPUI_GERMAN" seta g_timeoutBank "180000" seta g_timeoutlength "90000" ...
Hi germancgalvan, I understand your point. Till the time we are working on a fix, you can use the previous version of Adobe Premiere Pro i.e. cc12.1.2, if it is working fine for you. I will advocate on your behalf. Thank you for your patience, Shivangi Vo...
修正了mod时间片没有被添加到保存文件后7。 原文: Update v20190526: General Updated the launch prompt when a crash has occurred to also recommending turning off mods German localization for Nyakuza Metro + Online Party Fixed Korean translation being mis-labelled in credits Updated Korean localization...
Hi germancgalvan, I understand your point. Till the time we are working on a fix, you can use the previous version of Adobe Premiere Pro i.e. cc12.1.2, if it is working fine for you. I will advocate on your behalf. Thank you for your patience, Shivangi V...