seedsStudies on the floral morphology of macabo cocoyam ( Xanthosoma sugittifolium (L.) Schott) indicated that it required 50 to 70 days for flower formation while fruit maturity took 40 to 60 days after pollination. Among the three types of cocoyams ("white", "red" and "yellow"), ...
Results of allocative efficiency indices for expenditure on seeds (6.697), and capital inputs (2.015), showed that the MVP> MFC, implying underutilization of expenditures on improved planting materials and capital inputs in Rivers State, Nigeria by the cooperative cocoyam farmers. The allocative ...
The cocoyam cormel seeds were planted on manually prepared raised bedsat a spacing of 60cm x 60cm. The treatments were applied two weeks before planting. The parameters tested were the cocoyam growth and yield. The growth and yield data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)....
The effects of pre-milling heat treatment types on the pasting properties of the resultant flour blends of some indigenous thickening seeds and cocoyam (ede-ochChukwu, MichaelMbanali, U. G.Iwuagwu, M. O.Social Science Electronic Publishing...
The effects of pre-milling heat treatment types on the functional properties of the resultant flour blends of some indigenous thickening seeds and cocoyam (ede-doi:10.31248/RJFSN2018.053Mbanali, U. G.Chukwu, MichaelIwuagwu, M. O.Social Science Electronic Publishing...