Build Failed: Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open ‘/Users/fengjiaqi/Documents/NewProject/dld/Server/bin/public/web-mobile/res/import/35/35e5fbe9-3c33-4218-abb6-39e02007311b.json’ 难道一个Prefab有太多动画也会报错么?Error: EMFILE: too many open files ...
[Editor] 修复项目中脚本过多时会出现 too many open files 的问题 [Editor] 修复编辑器中无法通过 url 加载资源依赖的 raw asset 的问题,修复编辑器无法正确加载 TSX 资源的问题 [Engine] 修复 调用会导致崩溃的问题 [Engine] 预览游戏切换场景时增加更多调试信息,包括场景资源 uuid 和初始...
[Build] 选择 android 平台时的 keystore 密码现在会用密码格式显示 [Build] 修复了在 Mac 系统当项目资源很多时,构建可能会报错 too many open files 的问题 [Build] 修复了脚本放在 resources 目录下时,构建会报错的问题 [Build] 修复了构建出的 Android Studio 项目生成的 application 名称错误问题 [Build] ...
- [Editor] 修复 property 装饰器在新版 VSCode 中的报错 - [Editor] 修复项目中脚本过多时会出现 `too many open files` 的问题 - [Editor] 修复编辑器中无法通过 url 加载资源依赖的 raw asset 的问题,修复编辑器无法正确加载 TSX 资源的问题 - [Editor] 修复编辑器里脚本文件加载顺序不固定的问题 - [E...
After reading too many text files in utf-8 and always repeating the same open / read and code block dance e.g.:"history.txt")# sorry - will NOT guarantee unicode utf8-encoding# (e.g. on microsoft windows it is ISO Code Page (CP-1252# or something - depending on ...
In the tinyPacketMode, due to too many assets on the launch scene, downloading and loading assets for a long time may result in a short black screen when entering the game for the first time. If First game asset package into the game package is checked, you can reduce the black screen...
Check if the property decorator property of the component type defined in the script after upgrade is undefined, if not, it is caused by the imported plugin being too old, please refer to Plugin Upgrade to update the imported plugin Upgrade. After updating the imported plugins, you need to ...
Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment. - cocos-engine/cocos/2d
[Build] 修复了在 Mac 系统当项目资源很多时,构建可能会报错 too many open files 的问题 [Engine] 移除了用 loadRes 加载 json 资源时 No need to release non-cached asset 的警告 [Build] 修复了脚本放在 resources 目录下时,构建会报错的问题 [Widget] 修复了 CCWidgetManager 在 Scrollview 大小改变时出现...
Uncaught Exception: Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open ‘/Users/moonwalker/Desktop/dkd_dig/client/temp/quick-scripts/assets/scripts/ui/Panel/PayPluginSelectPanel.js’ at Error (native) [17259] Error: Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open ‘/Users/moonwalker/Desktop/dkd_dig/client/...