3.8.5 memory access out of bounds Creator 3.x 41472025年03月07日 ios端,调用麦克风后,背景音乐和音效全部失效,哪位大佬知道该怎么修改 Creator 3.x 1582025年03月07日 Sprite设置自定义材质,浏览器运行不显示 Creator 3.x 72222025年03月07日 ...
并且在某些时刻要还原成原始状态. 我试图通过备份 spine.SkeletonData 来实现类似的功能, 但是失败了. 也是 各种"memory access out of bounds" (见#17436 (comment)) 他们这么做算不上奇技淫巧, 是很正常的程序化的思路. 大幅降低了动画设计师的工作量和spine动画本身的体积. 而且有些内容动画设计师也难以提前...
3.8.5报错:null function or function signature mismatch / table index is out of bounds Creator 3.x 2652025年03月07日 升级3.8.5后 热更新检测后没有反应 Creator 3.x 157002025年03月07日 console.log在AS里面打印不出来 Creator 2.x 42492025年03月07日 ...
RuntimeError: null function or function signature mismatch RuntimeError: table index is out of bounds RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds Relevant error log output Steps to reproduce 1、set a physics world with scene 2、get the scene result and reload the scene 3、reload about 1000 cou...
RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:370:5) at boundsError (node:internal/buffer:84:11) at Buffer.readUInt32LE (node:internal/buffer:220:5) at Pickle.getPayloadSize (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/asar...
public rotateZ <Out extends IVec3Like> (out : IVec3Like, v : IVec3Like, o : IVec3Like, a : number) : IVec3Like static 绕Z 轴旋转向量指定弧度 输入参数 名称类型描述 out IVec3Like - v IVec3Like rotation vector o IVec3Like center of rotation a number radiance of rotation ...
hasOwnProperty(key)) { switch (typeof this[key]) { case 'string': this[key] = ''; break; case 'object': case 'function': this[key] = null; break; } } } Defined in cocos/core/data/object.ts:342 protected _getLocalBounds (out_rect : Rect) : void 继承自:Component._getLocal...
public clone <Out extends IVec4Like> (a : IVec4Like) : Vec4 static 获得指定向量的拷贝 输入参数 名称类型描述 a IVec4Like - 返回值: Vec4 Defined in cocos/core/math/vec4.ts:63 public ceil <Out extends IVec4Like> (out : IVec4Like, a : IVec4Like) : IVec4Like static 逐元素向量...
hasOwnProperty(key)) { switch (typeof this[key]) { case 'string': this[key] = ''; break; case 'object': case 'function': this[key] = null; break; } } } Defined in cocos/core/data/object.ts:342 protected _getLocalBounds (out_rect : Rect) : void 继承自:Component._getLocal...
7. Fixed a bug of `ccui` that its load event callbacks have some mistakes. 8. Fixed a bug of `cc.Layer` that its bake function doesn't work when the layer has a parent node. 9. Fixed typos in `cc.ClippingNode.WebGLRenderCmd` and `cc.ParticleSystem.WebGLRenderCmd` creation. ...