Post authorBycoconutoil Post dateJanuary 15, 2011 Baldness is very common in every country. As one grows old one is bound to experience hair loss. Science is working in three directions, Hair fall prevention by natural methods is far better than any other. there by delaying the process of ...
Coconut Oil: A Natural Remedy for Eczema How and Why it Works A skin disorder that is usually chronic is called Dermatitis, or eczema. Most people who have this develop a rash that itches and often they become dry, red and scaly. Covering a range of different inflammations on the skin ...
GREAT FOR KIDS (AND MOMS!)) Oil Balm is amazing! Not only does it smell like a dream, but it has soooo many uses. I've used it as a second step after lotion when my kid's skin is super dry, to replace wash for a hydrating oil bath, to treat diaper rash, and even for mysel...
It might be time to put away all those expensive potions and lotions after trying coconut oil in your daily beauty regimen. It’s loaded with Vitamin E and fatty acids (such as lauric acid, myristic acid, capric acid and more) which are anti-fungal, anti-oxidizing and anti-bacterial, jus...
Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. Gently massage coconut oil onto your face. You can use it to remove makeup. You can use it to shave your legs or face. Don’t be afraid to try coconut oil for oily skin! It has healing properties, and sometimes, though counterintuitive, using some...
Coconut oil in particular has been shown to protect you from viruses, bacteria, infection, cancer, thyroid, brain and heart problems... plus beautifies your skin - and even burns fat! Coconut oil - a saturated fat - is chock-full of health-promoting properties - and is in no way responsi...
I also use it as a moisturizer and hair oil. One can start to notice the difference in hair within a couple of applications. My hair has shine and strength! My sister who lives in the USA uses this as massage oil and diaper rash cream for her baby and she's more than happy with ...
Coconut oil is known to help boost the immune system, nourish the skin and increase energy. Here are over 100 everyday coconut oil uses.
SheaMoisture Head-To-Toe Nourishing Hydration 100% Virgin Coconut Oil is a moisturizer natural skin care that leaves behind radiant skin. Soften & restore hair and skin with this coconut oil skin care, body oil and hair moisturizer by SheaMoisture. An all-over, multi-benefit product that ...
Contains active ingredients, coconut oil, aloe Vera and distilled lanolin Mountain ocean, and Mountain Ocean Skin Trip Coconut Moisturizer Light and smooth formula soothes skin Cruelty Free Blended with coconut oil, aloe vera, and distilled lanolin, Skin Trip provides your skin with the nutrients...