cocomo模型定义definitionmodel手册devnani Version1.4-CopyrightUniversityofSouthernCaliforniaCOCOMOIIModelDefinitionManualVersion1.4-CopyrightUniversityofSouthernCaliforniaAcknowledgmentsThisworkhasbeensupportedbothfinanciallyandtechnicallybytheCOCOMOIIProgramAffiliates:Aerospace,AirForceCostAnalysisAgency,AlliedSignal,AT&T,Bellcore,...
Vol.34No.7]120 舰船电子工程ShipElectronicEngineering总第241期2014年第7期基于COCOMO‐Ⅱ模型的军用软件计价方法研究磁范朝阳1 胡欣2(1.北京市西三环中路19号 北京 100841)(2.武汉数字工程研究所 武汉 430205)摘要 针对军用软件计价问题,研究了基于COCOMO‐Ⅱ模型的军用软件计价方法。文中对COCOMO模型和CO‐COMO‐...
一、COCOMOII是什么 cocomo是 COnstructive COst MOdel(建设性成本估算模型)的缩写.最早是由Dr. Barry Boehm在1981年提出.是一种精确的、易于使用的成本估算方法. 参考: 二、COCOMOII简... ...
Definition of COCOMO Model The COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is one of the most popularlyused software cost estimationmodels i.e. it estimates or predicts the effort required for the project, total project cost and scheduled time for the project. This model depends on the number of lines of...
In the Detailed COCOMO Model, the cost of each subsystem is estimated separately. This approach reduces the margin of error in the final estimate. Example:A distributed Management Information System (MIS) product for an organization having offices at several places across the country can have the ...
For example, in a model known as "detailed COCOMO," a step-by-step process includes attention to planning and requirements, system design, detail design, module code and testing, integration and testing, and estimation. In general, COCOMO provides a helpful framework to try to determine the ...
Example1:Suppose a project was estimated to be 400 KLOC. Calculate the effort and development time for each of the three model i.e., organic, semi-detached & embedded. Solution:The basic COCOMO equation takes the form: Effort=a1*(KLOC) a2PM ...
You can also run against multiple files or directoriesscc directory1 directory2 file1 file2with the results aggregated in the output. Sincesccwrites to standard output, there are many ways to easily share the results. For example, usingnetcatandone of many pastebinsgives a public URL: ...
As an example, going from seven key process areas in CMM level 3, to 14 process areas in CMMI level 3, and just two were dropped. These additions and refinements in maturity levels 2 and 3 reflect their significance and definitely will reduce the effort required to develop the software ...
For example scc -f html -o output.html will run scc against the current directory, and output the results in html to the file output.html. You can also write to multiple output files, or multiple types to stdout if you want using the --format-multi option. This is most useful when ...