2/3 cup almond milk 1/3 cupvanilla Cocobella coconut yoghurt 1 tbs maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla essence 1/2 tsp baking powder Toppings 2 tbsCocobella vanilla coconut yoghurt 1 tbs shredded coconut Handful of fresh strawberries Method Add dry ingredients to a bowl and combine ...
1 tsp vanilla Optional: 2 scoops @pranaon coconut milk protein – if mixture is too thick, add more almond milk until mixture is runny and easy to stir & scoop up. Method Let mixture sit for at least 5 mins before scooping into the pan! Cook pancakes as you normally would and then ...
You can look forward to Cocobella’s products in-store, with large take-home yoghurt pints in natural flavour (S$9) and small take-home pints in four different flavours: Vanilla, mango, passion fruit, strawberry (S$3.50). Cocobella’s take-home coconut water. Photo: Joey Tan/HungryGo...