20-Cocoa和Cocoa Touch简介 前几章参考:1-引言2-Objective-C编程3-类、对象和方法4-数据类型和表达式5-循环结构6-选择结构7-类8-继承9-多态、动态类型和动态绑定10-变量和数据类型...Touch实际上由三个框架组成:1)Foundation框架;2)便于使用数据库存储和管理数据的Core Data框架;3)UIKit框架。 下面就来说说...
但是从技术的角度来说,MFC 的很多特性是已经在近十几年被证明是错误的。我当然不相信 MFC team 中做...
A powerful and easy to use category view (segmentedcontrol, segmentview, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol) (腾讯新闻、今日头条、QQ音乐、网易云音乐、京东、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、淘宝、天猫、简书、微博等所有主流APP分类切换滚动视图) - Forks · CocoaML/JXCatego
TouchJSON/1.0 TouchXML/0.1 TouchXML/0.1 TownPlan/0.0.1 TownPlan/0.0.1 Train/0.0.2 Train/0.0.2 TransformerKit/0.0.1 TransformerKit/0.0.1 TwUI TwUI TwelveTwentyToolkit TwelveTwentyToolkit Typewriter Typewriter UAGithubEngine UAGithubEngine UAModalPanel UAModalPanel UDTableView/1.0.0 UDTableView/1.0....
我相当流利地使用Objective-C语言以及Cocoa和Cocoa Touch框架。我也知道足够多的C语言来理解ObjC。我的一个项目要求我编写相应的web应用程序,以便与我的iPhone应用程序一起使用。我决定最好的方法是Ruby on Rails。从
Stack vs Heap Variables allocated on the heap have their memory allocated at run time and accessing this memory is a bit slower, but the heap size is only limited by the size of virtual memory . Element of the heap have no dependencies with each other and can always be accessed randomly ...
Cocoa 是 Mac OS 下的 application framework 而 iOS 下的 application framework 则是 UIKit.framework又叫 Cocoa Touch,它们分享部分代码基础但又不完全一样。例如,Cocoa Touch 下的 UIView 的渲染上下文会使用 UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() 取得,它得到的是一个 CGContextRef 指针,而在 NSView 里多用 [NS...
Maldon sea salt is the flaky salt that comes in squares and adds a delectable little crunch and the perfect touch of salt to balance the sweetness. A sprinkle of Maldon sea salt on top gives it a little crunch and the perfect hint of saltiness to balance all that sweet! More tips for ...
Frame vs Bounds In the first picture on the left we have a view that is located at the top left of its parent view. The yellow rectangle represents the view's frame. On the right we see the view again but this time the parent view is not shown. That's because the bounds don't ...
Techopedia Explains Cocoa Touch The main features of Cocoa Touch include: Core Animation: Helps to create rich user experiences by allowing for the smooth movement of visual elements. It also fills in the interim frames of animation with automatic timing and adjustment. ...