On the other hand, makers who call the beans "cocoa" are often buying beans from Africa or Asia, or possibly grew up in a country where the tree was called "cocoa," and "cacao" was its scientific name. People tend to think of cocoa and cacao as being different products of the cacao...
hence the name "Witches' Broom." Brooms are alive and green when they form, but they eventually die, leaving the characteristic dry witch's broom attached to the tree. The Amazon Rainforest region, where the cocoa tree is native, is the epicenter of the occurrence of witches' broom disease...
The most important raw material for chocolate is cocoa beans. Meiji visits where the cocoa beans are grown in search of the highest quality beans for the most delicious chocolate.
【题目】阅读理解Farmersgrowcocoatreesintheshadyareasofrain forestsneartheEarth'sequator . T hesetreescanbedifficulttogrow . T heyrequireanexactamountofwater, warmth, soilandprotection . Afteraboutfiveyears, cocoatreesstartproducinglargefruitscalledpods . T heseedsinsidethesepodsareharvestedtomakechocolate ...
ADVERTISEMENT See All Slides Begin Slideshow Fairytales got one thing right: Magical beans do exist. Just ask the academics who recognized the chocolate-producing potential of cocoa beans and gave the cacao tree a scientific name that means “food of the gods” in Greek. Or talk to dermatologist...
Growing a cacao tree seems exotic, but if you have the right climate, it's well worth the attempt! Our in-depth growing guide explains how.
Cocoa beans are the seeds of the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao). The beans are used to make chocolate and are a source of many antioxidants. Cocoa contains a variety of chemicals, including antioxidants called flavonoids. It's not clear how these might work in the body, but they appear to ...
The Bunya Pine: A Strange, Impressive, and Useful Tree Willow Trees and Shrubs: Interesting and Useful Plants Rainbow Eucalyptus: Unusual Tree With Multicoloured Trunk The Monkey Puzzle Tree: An Unusual and Endangered Plant
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is the name given to the fruit of the cocoa tree. Its seeds are commonly calledcocoa beansand consist of an outer shell ortestasurrounding twocotyledonsand a small germ (Fig. 1). Sign in to download hi-res image ...
If the tree Theobroma cacao grew as readily as wheat, undoubtedly chocolate would usurp bread's position as the world's most important food (and we’d be a lot chubbier). Bread might have greater historical significance, but “the food of the gods” is surely a contender for the world's...