Peat bogs play host to many unique animal species and store large amounts of carbon. When harvested to be used as growing media, the bogs regenerate, but the process takes decades, Substituting the byproduct of a harvested food, like colt, makes perfect sense. ...
Why is coco peat better than peat moss? admin December 29, 2021 1 Read More It’s all in the bag: Grow Bag Gardening admin December 28, 2021 0 Read More What is Coco Peat – Its benefits. Learn how to use Coco Peat. admin November 19, 2021 1 Read More Coco Coir VS ...
COCOPALLET 1. Reduces costs and CO2in the supply chain when used as an alternative for wooden one-way export pallets from Asia 2. Produced with heat and high pressure. 100% Wood free and therefore exempt from ISPM15 regulations
Soilless potting mixtures that are composed of inert (non-soil) ingredients like coco coir, perlite, peat moss, Rockwool, and vermiculite can be a great choice for growing marijuana. When growing in a soilless medium, you can treat your plants almost the same as if growing in soil. The mai...
Peat bogs play host to many unique animal species and store large amounts of carbon. When harvested to be used as growing media, the bogs regenerate, but the process takes decades, Substituting the byproduct of a harvested food, like colt, makes perfect sense. Peat moss and coir are both...
Investigating the Replacement of Peat Moss and Coco Peat Substrate with other Economical Substrates in Cultivation of Physalis peruviana Seedlingdoi:10.22034/IUVS.2023.1974108.1254Olfat, AhmadNaseri, MahboobehJournal of Vegetables Sciences (2676-4814)...
Effect of cocopeat and sphagnum moss on guava air layers and plantlets survival under open and polyhouse nursery. Agriculture Scieces Digest, 2012; 32(3):241 - 243.Rymbai H, Reddy GS, Reddy KCS. Effect of cocopeat and sphagnum moss on guava air layers and plantlets survival under open...