The Coco Rocha Model Camp is a boutique master class for models taught by supermodel Coco Rocha. It is an elite education in both the practical and artistic sides of what is often viewed as complex and mysterious industry. Class sizes are purposefully
Coco Rocha 在 2010 與擔任室內設計師的男友 James Conran , 2015 年兩人的愛情結晶 Ioni 就療癒問世,而這也讓貴為超模的 Coco 母愛大爆發,舉凡出席重要的時尚場合也時常可見小小 Ioni 的蹤影,甚至還為了辦了個人 IG ,吸引近 7 萬粉絲欣賞她的俏皮穿搭。 ▼Coco Rocha 在去年與 Ioni 一同拍攝美國知名服飾...