Coco Rocha Source: Published: January 2024View: All people in this editorial: Petros Kouiouris - Photographer Altorrin McIntyre - Fashion Editor/Stylist Kevin Cheah - Makeup Artist Coco Rocha - Model In this picture: Coco Rocha Credits for this picture: Petros Kouiouris (...
"It's Nice to be Important, but it's Important to be Nice." - Coco Rocha | On Creativity 1 人观看 0:10 Google- what is #ashleygraham’s net worth 133 人观看 0:25 Presenting the angelic voices 18 人观看 0:07 Coco Rocha at #casablancabrand - Paris fashion week ...
CocoRocha2017-7-9 05:17 来自iPhone 6s When long time instagram buddies finally meet IRL ️ #danniiminogue ️ k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 1 4 ñ240 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
06 Kendall Jenner 1.6千次浏览 0:09 Sara Sampaio 649 人观看 0:09 Natalia Bulycheva 9.5千次浏览 Coco Rocha 13 人观看·3年前 MODELS' INSTAGRAM 132千个粉丝 分享 其它视频 0:14 小视频@models_instagram 24.5千次浏览 0:08 小视频@models_instagram 25.5千次浏览 0:16 小视频@models_instagram 37.5...
CocoRocha 15-05-22 00:10 来自iPhone 6 It was a pleasure to meet #ChelseaClinton and speak at #IWNY with Instagram's Sara Wilson about two of my favorite topics - fashion and the democratization of the Internet. û收藏 13 14 ñ153 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 ...
国际超模Coco Rocha于1988年生于加拿大多伦多。2002年,她在一场舞蹈比赛中被星探发掘,并于两年后成为职业模特。作为设计师的宠儿,Coco曾为Chanel、Dior、Dolce & Gabbana等品牌拍摄广告。如今,多栖发展的她在社交网络上发挥着她的影响力:她在新浪微博上拥有超过476万粉丝,Instagram和Twitter的粉丝均超过74万。
Rocha, who currently has 1.5 million followers onTwitterand 1.1 million onInstagram, thinks that authenticity is pivotal for a successful online presence. "I think that the one reason why Snapchat is working these days is because people know that it's you," she said."In the end, it has ...
最后,国际超模Coco Rocha带着女儿Loni和全球“少年顽家”一起压轴谢幕。 来自全世界的少年“顽”童们在这里拥有一个全球瞩目的舞台,他们充分展示他们在各个领域的超级“顽”力! “顽”力升级 在本次纽约时装周中,安踏儿童亮相的产品主打运动机能风,结合奥运灵感,衍生出“顽家·源、顽家·耀、顽家·能”三大系列。
最后,国际超模Coco Rocha带着女儿Loni和全球“少年顽家”一起压轴谢幕。 来自全世界的少年“顽”童们在这里拥有一个全球瞩目的舞台,他们充分展示他们在各个领域的超级“顽”力! “顽”力升级 在本次纽约时装周中,安踏儿童亮相的产品主打运动机能风,结合奥运灵感,衍生出“顽家·源、顽家·耀、顽家·能”三大系列。
去年3 月 28 日,名模 Coco Rocha 的第一個小孩–Ioni James Conran 誕生了,2 個月時大的她,就在 Instagram (@ioniconran) 上擁有 3 萬多個 followers (現已將近 5 萬),大家都對這名模的愛女充滿好奇,而如今,小 Ioni 也已經快 1 歲了……