COCO MADEMOISELLE draws its inspiration from the fascinating personality of Gabrielle Chanel. The fragrance is the olfactory reflection of an independent thinker who breaks the rules to create her own. The portrait of a woman ready to daringly write her own destiny. An oriental fragrance with a st...
COCO MADEMOISELLE draws its inspiration from the fascinating personality of Gabrielle Chanel. The fragrance is the olfactory reflection of an independent thinker who breaks the rules to create her own. The portrait of a woman ready to daringly write her own destiny. An oriental fragrance with a st...
Trova i prezzi più bassi su Coco chanel mademoiselle ✓ Scopri 30 modelli migliori ✓ Scopri le offerte ora
Anyways, I liked the Coco Mademoiselle and this was definitely not as good that one. This is funny, I have a friend who’s not a fan of Chanel fragrances, and tried on this Coco Noir, well she loved it. She said it’s very strong (which I agree) almost like an in your face fra...
Chanel的香水系列中,除了经典的N°5 系列,就要数Mademoiselle系列。这次系列新增Velvet Body Oil,还有限量旅行装的Eau de Parfum Purse Spray,可以随身携带,随时补香! 香水以活力的香橙味为前调,主调为玫瑰及茉莉,尾调为广藿香与香根草,将花香、果香融合的个性款。
* Vanessa Paradis - Rouge Coco Chanel http://.youtube/watch?v=lzoH111HbJM * 1990年- Chanel http://.youtube/watch?v=aIXmzavVdJI * Chanel - Coco Mademoiselle TV ads with Keira Knightley http://.youtube/watch?v=8BKZgOVFyGc&feature=relat ed — END —...
Coco Mademoiselle Huile Velours/Velvet Body Oil(CAN $66.00/200 ml) | Housed in a transparent plastic bottle, this is a spray body oil that is delicately scented with the same sensual notes of Coco Mademoiselle (vibrant orange, elegant rose, earthy patchouli – to name but a few). The ultr...
Fragrance Family: Floral Scent Type: Warm Floral Key Notes: Orange, Patchouli, Turkish Rose Fragrance Description: Irresistibly sexy, irrepressibly spirited. A sparkling ambery fragrance that recalls a daring young Coco Chanel. An absolutely modern c
Victoria:Yes, definitely closer to Coco Mademoiselle than to Coco, but it’s more subtle. Allure Sensuelle is very sweet and sticky by comparison, whereas Coco Noir is fresher, crispher, with lighter fruity notes. There is a lot of musk in the drydown, which gives it a soft effect.Augus...
and it is there that you get a glimpse of that famous elegance that relates directly to Coco Chanel's aesthetics and design. But that porcelain and crystal moment fades quickly and is replaced by a slightly more grownup version of all that is bad in Coco Mademoiselle, Chance and Allure. ...