A Cockpit plugin to manage Samba shares and users. sharesambasmbcifscockpitweb-consolesamba-sharesamba-serversamba-smbcockpit-plugin UpdatedJun 9, 2021 JavaScript Just a fork of a fork to make this work with newer cockpit versions. dockercockpit ...
Here are 8 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All 45Drives/cockpit-samba-manager Star38 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A Cockpit plugin to manage Samba shares and users. sharesambasmbcifscockpitweb-consolesamba-sharesamba-serversamba-smbcockpit-plugin ...
ZFS always creates shares in /var/lib/samba/usershares folder when ShareSMB property is enabled. This is also the case even if Cockpit ZFS Manager is managing the shares. To avoid duplicate shares of the same file system, it is recommended to configure a different usershares folder path if...
To allow Cockpit File Sharing to manage existing shares defined in smb.conf, do the following steps: Create a backup copy of smb.conf: cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak Ensure that include = registry is NOT present in smb.conf: sed -i '/include = registry/d' /etc/sam...
A Cockpit plugin to manage Samba shares and users. sharesambasmbcifscockpitweb-consolesamba-sharesamba-serversamba-smbcockpit-plugin UpdatedJun 9, 2021 JavaScript A Group Management Addon forhttps://github.com/agentejo/cockpit addoncockpitgroupmanagement ...
Cockpit version: 215 OS: Ubuntu 19.10 I am working on a plugin however after version 202 this does not seem to work anymore. Files: index.html manifest.json smb.js However my user interface is not loading anymore. I get: index.js:15 Refu...
I think that is no big deal, since I am just installing what I need to set things up, don't have any shares yet. So I create a test share, smb service hangs. I do some dnf checks, everything seems fine. Yet I wonder, did I in all this install anything that may conflict? G ...
Cockpit ZFS Manager only manages individual shares for Samba, not the global configuration. If you are looking to sync your accounts, you will need to enable unix password sync in Samba configuration: Code: $ sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf Append/Change to [global] section Code: pam ...