Location / Australia— Sydney— Type / Parks— Post-Industrial— Built / 2007— Show on Google Maps / Published on July 21, 2014Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects: An iconic site within the middle of Sydney Harbour, Cockatoo Island embodies many of the cultural values that distinguish Sydney ...
When work began on Fitzroy dock on Cockatoo Island in 1847 it was one of the great modern enterprises of its time. Not only would it be the largest dry dock in the southern hemisphere, it would be the largest in the British empire after Portsmouth,...
In fact, we believe it is possible that a long-term laboratory environment, even one featuring daily enrichment protocols, may fail to offer a greater cognitive challenge for an island dwelling parrot, such as the Goffin, than their natural habitat. The Tanimbar Islands provide a variety of ...
Google Scholar Garnett ST, Olsen P, Butchart SH, Hoffmann AA (2011) Did hybridization save the Norfolk Island boobook owl Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata? Oryx 45:500–504 Google Scholar Giarla TC, Esselstyn JA (2015) The challenges of resolving a rapid, recent radiation: empirical and sim...