Replacement of a cochlear implant and/or its external components is considered medically necessary when the existing device is not functional and cannot be repaired, or when replacement is required because a change in the member's condition makes the present unit non-functional and improvement is ex...
With a MED-EL cochlear implant, you’ll have hearing you can always count on. Higher implant reliability can lead to a lower risk of additional surgery and higher satisfaction. The Cumulative Survival Rate (CSR) is the measure of how reliable each implant model is over time. For example, ...
On the internet and on YouTube you can findsimulationsdesigned to give you an idea of what your cochlear implant might sound like. But the internet audio simulations only let you know how your implantmightsound at a given point in time. They don’t communicate the improvement in sound over ...
Due to time constraints, we did not interleave testing modes; this would have necessitated reconfiguring the implant between presentations. For subject S1, only stimuli of type A− and B+ were explored as described above, because it took some time until we found an electrode that exhibited ...