Consistent with their reduced genomes, CPR bacteria consist of very small cells when observed under the microscope, often able to pass through 0.2 µm pore-diameter filters12. The cultivation of the first species belonging to the CPR clade (specifically to the phylum Sacchar- ibacteria, ...
However, the impact of the farm-dust-derived bacteria under study on the intestinal microbiota and the effects of their nasal route of administration have not yet been studied. The third point comes from the clear impact of bacterial diversity on the overall effect of the “farm environment,”...
Hydrogen bacteria use molecular hydrogen as a source of energy, converting CO2 to organic carbon. Their importance lies in the fact that they remain active under limited environmental conditions and even in the temporary absence of the primary energy source. Almost all are facultative chemolithotropic...
Genome-resolved metagenomics has allowed the reconstruction of complete genome sequences for many CPR lineages. Despite the impressive diversity of this group, a clear common pattern distills from these sequences: all CPR bacteria contain small genomes (often < 1 Mb) that encode limited meta...
The genusSalinicoccusbelongs to the family Staphylococcaceae. Species of this genus was first introduced from Alicante, Spain [7] and was characterized as Gram-positive, aerobic, non-motile, spherical-shaped bacteria. A group ofSalinicoccusexhibited moderately halophile (3–15% NaCl tolerance) and...
roseus, in order to reveal a complete metabolic network of halophilic bacteria to enhance biosynthesis of metabolic products. Methods Bacterial strain, growth condition, and culture maintenance The halophilic bacterium, S. roseus strain RF1H was iso- lated from soil sample, collected from ...
A NifHDK protein concatamer tree was constructed with NifHDK concatamers from a wide range of bacteria as previously described [35,36,37,38]. Sequences were aligned using MAFFT [61] and trees were constructed with FastTree2, using JTT + CAT model, a gamma approximation and 100 bootst...
nov., a radiation-resistant, Gram-positive bacterium. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2002, 52, 933–938. [Google Scholar] [PubMed] Normand, P.; Benson, D.R. Kineococcus. In Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria; Whitman, W.B., Rainey, F., Kämpfer, P., ...