Both drugs can have multiple effects on the body, including the development of wounds. This article explores the street terminology, methods of use, and physical effects of heroin and cocaine, psychophysical nursing diagnoses and problems associated with their use, and considerations for a wound ...
[9] Egan, Michael, et al. “Effects of Chronic Cocaine Treatment on Rat Brain: Long-Term Reduction in Frontal Cortical Serotonin.” Biological Psychiatry, Dec. 1994. "Previous studies in rats have shown that repeated cocaine treatment reduces frontal cortical dopamine metabolism 1 to 12 weeks fo...
The researchers tested the 'mismatch hypothesis': that taking heroin—which induces a sedative state—while in a stimulating context like a club, and taking cocaine—which is a stimulant—in a private context, creates an emotional state that is at odds with the environment. This mismatch prevents...
Cocaine is harder to purchase during the summer months than at other times, thus heroin users may speedball with crack in the summer. The effects of heroin last longer than do those of crack, and it modulates symptoms secondary to withdrawal from crack. In both cases, the second drug is ...
Experiment 2 examined how this regimen of THC pre-exposure alters the locomotor effects of cocaine and heroin. THC pre-exposure produced cross-tolerance to the motor-depressant effects of heroin; this may explain the shortened post-injection pauses exhibited by THC-exposed rats under FR1 heroin ...
The effects of cocaine and heroin price on drug-related emergency department visits. Journal of Health Economics doi: 10.1016/j.healeco.2005.08.003Dave D. The effects of cocaine and heroin price on drug-related emergency department visits. J Health Econ 2006; 25: 311-33....
(alcohol,marijuana,heroin) to attenuate these effects. A dangerous combination of cocaine and heroin, known as a “speedball,” is used by some. Withdrawal usually results in further use, often spurred by a conditioned cue such as a specific smell or location linked with cocaine use. If the...
In this paper, we reviewed translational studies concerned with environmental influences on the rewarding effects of heroin versus cocaine in rats and huma
SR-AMP also significantly reduced COC subjective (eg, abuse-related) effects and did not potentiate COC-induced cardiovascular responses. This study shows the ability of SR-AMP to attenuate COC self-administration, as well as its selectivity, in cocaine/heroin polydrug abusers. Further research is...
Pharmacological regulation of intravenous cocaine and heroin self-administration in rats: a variable dose paradigm. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 32: 527–531. Dopamine uptake and cocaine self-administration EB Oleson et al Grace AA (2000). The tonic/phasic model of dopamine system regulation and its ...