语言:英语 上映日期:2023-02-24(美国) 片长:95分钟 又名:可卡熊 / 熊盖毒(台) / 大毒BEAR(港) / 可卡因熊 IMDb:tt14209916 豆瓣评分 5.6 6528人评价 5星 4.0% 4星 12.0% 3星 50.2% 2星 27.6% 1星 6.2% 好于33% 喜剧片 好于40% 惊悚片 ...
What if said bear ingested the duffle bag full of cocaine valued at $2 plus million at 1985 prices? In real life, all we know is the bear died of an overdose, but in the world of movies "Pablo Escobear" went on a rampage killing half a dozen people because he was high. The story...
大毒BEAR(COCAINE BEAR)戲院上映場次、預告及影評。環球影業年度話題大爆發、瘋狂黑色血腥大作《大毒BEAR》(COCAINE BEAR),把1985 年發生於美國匪夷所思的毒販飛機失事真實事件,「震撼」搬上大銀幕!墜機後數以噸計的可卡因,四散佐治亞州某森林深處,並意外地被一頭500磅
The best part of the Cocaine Bear experience is just thinking about it, saying it out loud, making plans to see it, telling people you saw it, and working the film’s title into literally any group chat or social media post. Be warned: there’s a better-than-even chance that whatever...
the bear goes on a cocaine-fueled killing spree after its drug binge. In real life, the story has a less sensational ending: The bear was found dead in Chattahoochee National Forest after overdosing.A duffel bag of cocaine was dropped from a small plane into the mountains of ...
Moviegoers everywhere were able to see a mammal with a drug addiction wreak havoc and destruction on the state of Georgia asCocaine Bearwhen it originally hit theaterson Friday, February 24th, 2023. Find Showtimes for Cocaine Bear: You can use the links below to find showtimes forCocaine Be...
Alas, unlike the movie, this Cocaine Bear didn't go on a rampage, massacring men, women, and children. He just did what most of us do when we're on drugs, which is curl up into a little ball, think about how much he disappointed his dad, fall asleep and never wake up. ...
The bear is on cocaine because a gang member dropped several pallets out of a plane while flying over the Georgia mountains. The movie never makes it clear why the cocaine was deposited like this, but drugs may have involved in the decision. A black bear got into the unattended stash, and...
摘要: You might be surprised to learn that a movie about a coked-out bear killing everyone it encounters in the backwoods of Georgia has a more involved meaning. "If you try to get just a little deeper with it, it does try to say some things about the War on Drugs," screenplay write...
Cocaine Bear wanted her domain name, but a UDRP panelist said no. Last month, someonefiled a cybersquatting claimagainst the domain name CocaineBear.com. Cocaine Bear (aka Palbo EscoBear) has become famous (again?) thanks to a new movie. ...