AlwaysCoca-Cola (永远的可口可乐) ▲▲▲ 1993年 可口可乐推出“北极之光”广告片大受欢迎,北极熊由此成为可口可乐代表形象之一。“Always coca-cola”,是可口可乐史上最成功的广告语之一,它与“Open Happiness”一样延续7年之久。 Coca-Cola. Enjoy (可口可乐,每刻尽可乐) ▲▲▲ 2000年 二十一世纪,基于市...
slogan of coca cola slogan of coca cola 1886 - drink coca-cola. 1904 - delicious and refreshing. 1905 - coca-cola revives and sustains. 1906 - the great national temperance beverage. 1908 - good til the last drop 1917 - three million a day. 1922 - thirst knows no season. 1923 - ...
Compare the 1914 slogan, “call for it by full name,” with the 1953 slogan, “Call for Coke.” By 1959, you can see that Coca-Cola had fully accepted theCokenickname, with the slogan “Ask for it either way!” However, before that, they had tried to make sure that the nameCokewa...
On the one hand, 'Coca-Cola Adds Life' and 'Things Go Better With Coke'; on the other, 1908's 'The Satisfactory Beverage' and the recent 'Life Tastes Good'. Launched in 2001 as part of a global ...
Coca-cola Logo 可口可乐logo演变历史 ThesloganofCoca-colafrom1886to2009 1886pleasedrinktheCoca-Cola(请喝可口可乐)1904freshanddelicacysatisfaction--istheCocaCola(新鲜和美味满意--就是可口可乐)1905Coca-Cola-maintainsandrestoresyourphysicalstrength,regardlessofyouarriveatthere,youreturntothediscoveryCoca-Cola(...
与某些品牌十余年不变的SLOGAN相较而言,可口可乐从1886年的“Drink Coca-Cola”到2016年沿用至今的“Taste the feeling”,百年间48条SLOGAN轮番进入大众视野。 无论是简单的呼吁尝试口号“Drink Coca-Cola”,煽动性的数字刺激口号(1917年“每日有三百万瓶可口可乐售出”),暗示联想类的“渴时最佳伴侣(The Best Frie...
全因Coca-Cola®的历年经典广告都有着一个显著的特点,「Thanks for the pause that refreshes」广告词;「五美分」海报;「It's the real thing.」Slogan,它们无一例外,都是当时美国社会现状的映射。而80年代的美国又是怎样,荒诞叛逆疯狂,朋克摇滚重金属Hip-Hop等亚文化茁壮成长。Coca-Cola®呢,「you can't...
包装盒侧边介绍了产品特点:创意甜甜圈圆环、氛围光影呼吸灯、迷你圆润身形,以及“ENJOY THE REAL THING”的产品Slogan。包装盒另外一侧设计“Coca-Cola”品牌LOGO。包装盒内部物品主要包括了耳机、配件盒和使用指南。配件盒内部防止充电线和耳塞。随机标配的两副不同尺寸透明硅胶耳塞,耳机上预装有一副,总共三种尺寸。...
可口可乐(Coca-Cola)是由美国可口可乐公司生产出品的一种可乐。 1886年5月8日,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市诞生。 药师约翰·彭伯顿(John Pemberton)创造了一种风味糖浆,并带到他的街区药房,将糖浆与汽水混合后,创造了这种口味独特、可以在冷饮柜出售的软饮料。其合伙人兼会计弗兰克·罗宾逊(Frank ...
concept of Coca-Cola The slogan "Positive Optimism and Better Life" has always been an expression of Coca-Cola's commitment to positively changing the world, and it has always been unwavering to incorporate the concept of sustainable dev...