There could be Coca-Cola bottles in the image, and the algorithm should only detect the can! The brightness of the image could vary a lot (so you can't rely "too much" on color detection). The can could be partly hidden on the sides or the middle and possibly partly hidde...
爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的带画笔的红色可口可乐玻璃瓶(red Coca-Cola glass bottle with paint brushes), 本站编号41416116, 该高清图库素材大小为3m, 分辨率为4288 x 2848, 更多精彩高清图库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 巴西艺术家油漆瓶可乐红色流行音...
Assignee: The Coca-Cola Company (Atlanta, GA, US) Primary Class: D06/675.1 International Classes: (IPC1-7): 0606 Field of Search: D6/432-436, D6/470-472, D6/475-476, D6/477-479, D6/480-481, D6/513-516, D6/553, D7/339-341, D7/351, D15/79, D15/81-83, 206/320...
“Cherry Coke®” beverage sold by The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, Ga. is more than just a “Coca-Cola®” beverage with the addition of a shot of cherry flavoring. Rather, it is a specific branded beverage with a consistent taste. The beverage dispenser100thus may provide as many ...
Metal Beverage Soft Drink Display Stand Sparkling Water monster energy coca cola display rack, You can get more details about Metal Beverage Soft Drink Display Stand Sparkling Water monster energy coca cola display rack from mobile site on
Brazil 5,34823 Yamaha XT660 PRF Polícia Rodoviária Federal - Brazilian Highway Patrol bike 1.0 Bywlukaas 涂装 紧急 南美洲 5.0 3,41618 Viatura Polícia Federal Brasileira PF Mitsubishi Pajero Full - Brazilian Federal Police (FBI) 1.0 Bywlukaas ...
1: First characteristic is color and Red is very dominant. After detecting the Coca Cola Red there are several items of interest 1A: How big is this red area (is it of sufficient quantity to make a determination of a true can or not - 10 pixels is probably not enough), 1B: Does...
As the user rotates the vessel 530 in the “A” direction, the graphical user interface 460 displaying the flavor label changes from COCA-COLA® 466 to SPRITE® 470 to BARQ'S ROOT BEER® 464 to DIET COKE® 468 to COCA-COLA ZERO™ 462 and then back to COCA-COLA® 466. ...
6,274,212 describes a class of AA scavengers that sequester AA by forming cyclic 5 or 6-member ring compounds, and have a much reduced tendency to form color. While these prior art AA scavengers are effective at reducing the AA content of melt-processed PET, they all rely on the ...