Coke Red Hex color: #F40009 RGB: 244 0 0 CMYK: 4 100 95 0 Pantone: Coke Red Black Hex color: #1E1E1E RGB: 0 0 0 CMYK: 0 0 0 100 Pantone: PMS Process Black C Coca-Cola logo The Pantone colors are confirmed by the Branding Guidelines. The Coca-Cola hex colors are confirmed...
【Coca-Cola x HEX 2017 联名包款系列】从 Coca-Cola 的经典外包装汲取灵感,单品均以红白相间的颜色示人,搭配 Coca-Cola 刺绣 Logo 点缀表明合作身份,带来了双肩包、斜挎包及 Duffel Bag 三款实用设计。详情请点击:O网页链接 û收藏 12 7 ñ51 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按...
来自于美国加州的制包专家 HEX 近日宣布与美国饮品大亨 Coca-Cola 合作推出全新联名包款系列,共带来双肩包、斜挎包及 Duffel Bag 三款单品。 本次在 Coca-Cola 的经典外包装吸取灵感,且单品均以招牌的红白色相间示人还搭配 Coca-Cola 刺绣 Logo 来表明合作身份;材质上特别选用混合面料制作而成,增强功能性。双肩...
with disabilities to perform the essential functions.Coca-ColaBottling of Hawaii offers competitive wages, medical and dental... Honolulu, HISat, 01 Mar 2025 Charge Nurse / RN / Coca Cola Clinic $42 per hourEmory Healthcare Description The Charge Nurse will play a critical role in delivering pr...
近日,美国饮品大亨 Coca Cola 与美国加州的制包专家 HEX 合作推出全新联名包款系列,共带来双肩包、斜挎包及 Duffel Bag 三款单品。 全新系列从 Coca Cola 的经典外包装汲取灵感,单品均以红白相间为主色调,十足时尚复古风,红白百搭,彰显个性,辅以 Coca Cola 刺绣 Logo 点缀,显眼同时突出联名款特色;材质上选用混合...
Coca-Cola最近又玩跨界,这次的合作对象是加州制包品牌HEX。双方从Coca-Cola的红色经典外包装获得灵感,带来Duffel Bag、双肩包、斜挎包三款产品。其中Duffel Bag运用三段式设计,中间的大空间可以用来储存衣物和笔记本电脑,旁边两侧则有可以用来收纳球鞋的透气隔间。双肩包同样分为上下两层,下方也可以放置球鞋。三款包袋都...
商品名称:可口可乐(Coca-Cola) 可乐雪碧整箱2L四种规格大瓶分享家庭装聚会碳酸饮料 雪碧2L*【2瓶】+可乐2L*【2瓶】 单位:组 商品编号:HXQYG18113652 店铺:和讯自营 重量:1kg 产地:其它 售后服务:送货上门 规格:1-2L 颜色:其它 包装:瓶装 储存方法:置于干燥阴凉处 净含量:2L 类别:其它 保质期:330天 口味:...
gold. The familiar Coca-Cola® Creations logo is also complemented by a bespoke ‘Ultimate’ crest and energized with a magical blue Hextech glow. The design showcases a unique expression of the recognizable Coca-Cola® Spencerian Script font, inspired by the Nexus Crystals inLeagu...
Coca-Cola® Ultimate Zero Sugar fuses the two iconic brands with striking packaging design that features black and various shades of gold. The familiar Coca-Cola® Creations logo is also complemented by a bespoke ‘Ultimate’ crest and energized with a magical blue Hextech glow. The...