当下汽车设计师里,中村史郎是Coca Cola Bottle设计的重要践行者。最初他在Nissan Fuga等车型上略有尝试。2009年日内瓦车展上,中村发布了英菲尼迪品牌纪念诞生20周年的概念车Essence,以Coca Cola Bottle的风格带来汽车设计独一无二的全新视角。 英菲尼迪品牌把中村史郎输入给英菲尼迪的设计风格称为冲突美学。很多人会根据字面...
(10,292)See coca cola bottle stock video clips Quick filters: Cut Outs | Vectors | Black & whiteShow all coca cola bottle vintagecoca cola bottle glasscoca cola bottle plasticcoca cola bottle historycoca cola bottle topcoca cola bottle oldcoca cola bottle cap chevron_left Page of 103chevron...
爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的带画笔的红色可口可乐玻璃瓶(red Coca-Cola glass bottle with paint brushes), 本站编号41416116, 该高清图库素材大小为3m, 分辨率为4288 x 2848, 更多精彩高清图库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 巴西艺术家油漆瓶可乐红色流行音...
位于哥伦比亚的某海滩上,这间可口可乐饮品店的瓶子,也许你在全世界范围内也难以找到第二家——都是直接用冰做成的,经典的玻瓶造型,然后将可乐直接倒入其中,而你,可以直接拿着这冰做的可乐瓶子饮用,一口下去,从嘴唇到胃,都是彻彻底底的透心凉~ 而更赞的地方在于,当可乐喝完,你甚至可以直接把这瓶子扔掉,也不会...
Coca Cola products are also distributed to various Hotels and restaurant chains throughout the world. Coke has also built an extensive reverse supply chain where they collect the leftover glass bottles from the retailers and convert them into a reusable product thus saving cost and additional resour...
The Coca-Cola Bottle is Getting Its Own Documentary.It's the bottle's 100th anniversaryFrizellSamTime.com
New product design contest on Desall.com: Elite invites you to design the new metal Coca-Cola bottle, creating a handy product, suitable for indoor and outdoor use, with an easy to drink system. For more info: http://bit.ly/CocaColaDesignAward TimelineUpload phase: 14th April - 3rd Jul...
I'm not aware of OpenCV but looking at the problem logically I think you could differentiate between bottle and can by changing the image which you are looking for i.e. Coca Cola. You should incorporate till top portion of can as in case of can there is silver lining at top ...
Oreo Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is a fun idea and nothing more. If you’re a Coke completist or someone who likes trying new and unusual things, and you see a bottle, grab it. It’s worth a couple of bucks, and who knows, it may be your new favorite thing. (A lot of chatter I’ve...
Video about Coca Cola is poured into a glass on white background. Video of glass, poured, bubble - 273800187