Ontario Chapter of Coca Cola Collectors Club, collectibles, signs, memorabilia, machines, bottles and nostalgia items
Please note that this website concentrates on decks which were originally produced by The Coca-Cola Company or its bottlers as part of their advertising and marketing efforts and does not include either collectors’ club convention decks or most decks past the 1960s that were produced for memorabi...
A good way to get started is to attend a convention. There’s an organization called the Coca-Cola Collectors Club, and once a year they have a national convention. This year (2009) it was in Denver. Next year it’ll be in Milwaukee. There’s a silent auction; there’s a regul...
All of this controversy comes on the eve of Coca-Cola’s 100th anniversary, which will be celebrated next year. Appropriately too, the Cola Clan’s annual national convention in 1986 is planned for Atlanta (this year’s will be held in Dallas, Aug. 6-9). As collectors and devotees kno...