Small insects stuck to the sticky strands of the web. 6 Cobweb A web that is old and filled with dust due to disuse. The attic was covered in cobwebs that fluttered in the draft. 7 Web A structure built by spiders for trapping prey. A spider repaired its web in the garden every morn...
cobweb 这个字认识很久了,可惜认识得不够透彻。最近才知道,cobweb 不只是蜘蛛网那么简单,它是蜘蛛已经搬走,充满尘埃的废弃蜘蛛网。 如果蜘蛛还在使用着的网,那叫 spider web。 在我的家乡话里,有【蜘蛛埃】这词,说的就是 cobweb 这东西。
The meaning of COBWEB is the network spread by a spider : spiderweb. How to use cobweb in a sentence.