Cobra Kai is an American comedy-drama web television series that serves as a sequel to the original The Karate Kid film series, created by Robert Mark Kamen. The first season premiered May 2, 2018, on YouTube Premium, known at the time as YouTube Red. On
Cobra Kai: Created by Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg. With Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Courtney Henggeler, Xolo Maridueña. Decades after their 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament bout, a middle-aged Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence find
Sony Bets Big on Comedy With Wave of First-Look Deals (Exclusive) 9/27/2024 by Rick Porter The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News The Masked Singer: Who Are Woodpecker, Showbird and Ship? 9/27/2024 by Maria Sultan FandomWire Trailer-Premiere: „The Last of Us“ Staffel 2 ...
Everyone can now step into theCobra Kaidojo free of charge, as YouTube has made its flagship seriesCobra Kaifree to watch online. Previously, only the premieres of the show's first two seasons were available to stream on YouTube, with the rest of the episodes only available to the company...
YouTube Premium的《#眼镜蛇# Cobra Kai》获续订第三季,报导指第二季上线后创了新纪录,故此令YouTube续订新季。@Classic字幕组
是电影《karate kid》(中文译名是龙威小子,直译的话是空手道小子。几年前成龙的电影《功夫梦》就是... 《眼镜蛇道馆·Cobra Kai》是YouTube和Netflix打造的喜剧动作美剧,再续了1984年欧美热门电影《龙威小子·The Karate Kid》的辉煌,成龙的《功夫梦》亦是该经典电影的翻拍。美剧背景设定在《龙威小子3》的 30 年后,丹尼尔成为汽车经销商,有著完美的家庭。他的高中...
COBRA KAI takes place over 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament with the continuation of the inescapable conflict between Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) and Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka).
Cobra Kai – The Karate Kid Sage Continues on YouTube. The series focuses on Johnny Lawrence reopening the Cobra Kai dojo, which causes his rivalry with Daniel LaRusso to be reignited. The best part…. the real actors who played in the iconic film, William Zabka and Ralph Macchio are the...
YouTube previously only served up a few episodes of “Cobra Kai” for free, but those were resonating with the service’s audience. The first episode of season 1 has garnered some 55 million views to date, and the premiere episode of season 2 hit 20 million views in just 6 days, accor...