High performance Q-switched laser: 532nm, 1064 nm, up to 1 W Options & Accessories Heatsinks, Fiber coupling solutions, Dual combiners, Modulated dual combiners Optogenetics solutions Single-line or multi-line solutions with modulation and fiber coupling 应用领域 Lifescience · Fluorescence Microscopy...
电话: +46 8 545 912 30 传真: +46 8 545 912 31 产品: 窄线宽激光器可调谐激光器调Q激光器二极管激光器光纤激光器 公司简介 Cobolt, a part of HÜBNER Photonics, develops, manufactures and supplies diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSLs) and Diode Laser Modules in the visible, invisible and...
Cobolt+05-laser+head+CAD+Drawing Cobolt 05-01系列激光器是连续波二极管泵浦激光器(DPL)工作在320 nm到1064 nm之间的固定波长的器件。该激光器采用HTCure专利制造技术制造在一个紧凑的密封包装超坚固。 Cobolt 05-iE是一个完全集成的激光设备,包括所
主营商品:激光头、激光笔、envsensor、线宽激、光参量、气体激、euresyssa、inc设计、opotekinc、optrelgbr、inprentus、微透镜、放大器、norpixinc、alfalight、全息术、yylabsinc、绿激光、phaseview、波片固、功率计、光学加、显示器、激光焊、atumlaser 进入店铺 全部商品 20:29 r** 联系了该商品的商家 19:...
Average power >1.0W >0.4W >0.2W Pulse-to pulse jitter <1μs Polarization exctinction ratio >100:1 Spatial mode TEM00, M2<1.3 Laser head dimensions 125×70×45mm Controller dimenstions 190×72×28mm Warranty 12months www.NewOpto.com
Maximum laser head baseplate temp. 50℃ Laser head dimensions 103×60×40mm for 04-01 series, 125×70×45mm for 05-01 series Controller dimensions 190×72×28mm Communication RS-232 or USB Model number structure CDRH (key-switch for on/off) ...
continuous laserSamba™ solid-stategreenlow-noise CW laserFlamenco™ solid-stateredlow-noise continuous laserRumba™ solid-stateinfraredlow-noise 05-01 Series continuous laser Zouk™ continuous wave laser Samba™ solid-stategreenlow-noise
opotekinc 、optrelgbr 、inprentus 、微透镜 、放大器 、norpixinc 、alfalight 、全息术 、yylabsinc 、绿激光 、phaseview 、波片固 、功率计 、光学加 、显示器 、激光焊 、atumlaser 、润滑油 、汽油泵 、水分析仪 、丙烯树脂 、阻燃面料 、3d检测系统 、挠性联轴器 、电压测试仪 、图像分析系统 、...
All options for our lasers. Heatsinks, Mounting plates, with or with out fans. Imporatnt to to have the right option for your laser.
Cobolt Skyra™ is an extremely compact, permanently aligned, plug & play, multi-line laser with up to 4 laser lines and control electronics integrated into one single, temperature-controlled package, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand!