READ FILE-NAME INVALID 操作1 通过主键读文件,如果主键无效读取不到文件,就执行操作。 1)直接使用read进行读,这种方式一次只能读到一条记录。一般会使用文件的主键进行读。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 MOVEIDTOPA-ID.MOVEUSERNAMETOPA-USERNAME.READPAINVALIDKEYMO...
3) What is the difference between subscript and index?Subscript refers to the occurrence of an array but index is the displacement from the beginning of the array.An index can only be modified using PERFORM, SEARCH & SET.4) What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH...
Reading Cobol binary files from Hadoop/local and querying them Create a SparkSQLContext Start asqlContext.readoperation the format Inform the path to the copybook describing the files through... .option("copybook", "path_to_copybook_file"). ...
File Section: It defines data used in input-output operations. Linkage Section: It describes data from another program when defining data developed for internal processing. Working-Storage Section: It is the storage allocated and remaining for the life of the program. Local-Storage Section: ...
nls_local=yesオプションを使用してPROCOBアプリケーションをコンパイルすると、メモリー・リークが発生しました。修正により、メモリー・リークは発生しなくなりました。Bug#2573812 comp1=integerを使用するとカーソル変数が正常に拡張されない...
The file section lists every file that the program will read from or write to. A file description entry defines each file and describes the structure of the records in the file. The working-storage section defines variables that maintain their values throughout the run of the program—including...
As described in the of that repository, run: $ mvn clean install Now your local ~/.m2/repository should contain dependency io/github/uwol/proleap-cobol-parser. In Eclipse import the directory proleap-cobol-parser as an existing Maven project. Build Process The build process is ...
The local file is in edit mode, whereas the remote file is in read-only mode. You can then copy and paste lines from the remote file to the local file. The colors that are specific to each line type are shown in both files. You can then easily see where the lines come from: gener...
The initialruntime.cfgfile is found in the$COB_CONFIG_DIR, which defaults to installdir/gnucobol/config (seecobcrun --infofor the local path that is configured). The environment variableCOB_RUNTIME_CONFIGmay define a different runtime configuration file to read. ...
4-2 Figure 4-2: Indexed File Requests on a Local Area Network ... 4-2 Figure 4-3: Indexed File Requests on a Local Area Network by the Btrieve MicroKernel Database Engine (MKDE)... 4-3 Figure 4-4: RM/COBOL-to-Btrieve Adapter Program (rmbtrv32) Acting as an External File Acces...