computer-aided designcomputer-integrated manufacturingfeature recognitionflexible automationThis chapter presents the details of COBOL. It is one of the oldest major programming languages. A COBOL program consists of two sections: (1) the configuration section, and (2) the input–output section. The ...
How old is COBOL? The COBOL programming language is now 63 years old, and was officially given its name on September 18th, 1959. COBOL is the result of US Department of Defense work in the late 1950s to develop a common business language suitable for different kinds of mainframes. The in...
The University of Limerick, in Ireland, offers a complete COBOL programming course online, courtesy of its Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. It is not as up-to-date as some other resources, but given how little COBOL changes with time, that’s not necessarily a defect. ...
A computer programming language that was purpose-built for business is Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL). Since its creation in 1959, COBOL has played a transformative and indispensable role in supporting businesses worldwide. It is responsible for efficiently, reliably, and securely handling ...
last week.Those states have found themselves in need of people who know a 60-year-old programming language called COBOL to retrofit the antiquated government systems now struggling to process the deluge of unemployment claims brought by the coronavirus crisis.《COBOL, a 60-year-old computer ...
(Computer Science) a high-level computer programming language designed for general commercial use [C20:co(mmon)b(usiness)o(riented)l(anguage)] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009,...
a computer programming language used especially in business COBOL 例句 1.In computer programming, a body responsible for the development of the COBOL language. 在计算机程序设计领域, 指负责COBOL语言开发的一种团体. 2.“But she was not the mother, creator or developer of COBOL.” ...
COBOL was designed for business computer programs in industries such as finance and human resources. Unlike some high-level computer programming languages, COBOL uses English words and phrases to make it easier for ordinary business users to understand. The language was based on Rear Admiral Grace ...
COBOL (/ˈkoʊbɒl, -bɔːl/; an acronym for "common business-oriented language") is a compiled English-like computer programming language design