cycle.fEx situ FTIR spectra of the discharged/charged electrodes at the 10th cycle.g,hEx situ XPS spectra of pristine, discharged and recharged Co-SAs/N-C electrode in Li 1s and C 1s regions at the 10th cycle. Pristine, Discharged and Charged are abbreviated as Pri., Dis. and Cha., ...
The corresponding current densities at a certain overpotential η were abbreviated as jH2O and jD2O; then, KIE(H/D) was defined according to the following equation: $${\mathrm{KIE}}_{({{\mathrm{H/D}}})} = {\left[ \frac{{j}_{{\mathrm{H}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}} {{j}_{{\mathr...
The MTSSL side chain, in the following abbreviated R1, is flexible because its linker to the protein backbone comprises five rotatable bonds, the two most dynamic ones connecting Sδ with the nitroxide ring [45]. The MAP spin label is more rigidly bound to the protein backbone. Thus, the ...