Line Type:Matched Loss:dB Line Length:FeetMetersSWR Loss:dB Frequency:MHzTotal Loss:dB Load SWR::1Power Out:Watts Power In:WattsPower Loss:% before using ERP Calc. Effective Radiated Power Calculator: Parameters:Results: Loss Per 100' at Op Freq:dBCalculated Loss:dB ...
Capacitance per inch: pF/in Overview The coaxial cable, along with the balanced two-wire, is the most common type of transmission line used in RF communications. This calculator helps you calculate the characteristic impedance of a coaxial cable given its dimensions. This will also provide the ...
(interactive calculator available at http://www.timesmicrowave/telecom) Attenuation: VSWR=1.0; Ambient = +25°C (77°F) Power: VSWR=1.0; Ambient = +40°C; Inner Conductor = 100°C (212°F); Sea Level; dry air; atmospheric pressure; no solar loading TC-240-NMH TC-240-TM-RA TC-...
(interactive calculator available at http://www.timesmicrowave/telecom) Attenuation: VSWR=1.0; Ambient = +25°C (77°F) Power: VSWR=1.0; Ambient = +40°C; Inner Conductor = 100°C (212°F); Sea Level; dry air; atmospheric pressure; no solar loading (800) TMS-COAX • www.times...