Coastal Bank & TrustRichard G. JeffersonPresident and Chief Executive Officer SOURCE:PB Financial Corporation View source version
The increase in impervious surface combined with channel constriction can result in streambank erosion each time it rains. Thousands of miles of streams in North Carolina are unstable and eroding, contributing large volumes of sediment to many stream systems. Traditionally, culvert pipe, concrete and...
reducing river sediment input and floodplain deposition. This inhibits natural levee development, reducing bank heights. These factors combine to increase the frequency and duration of inundation, resulting in semi-permanently flooded wetlands. Anaerobic conditions limit organic decomposition, and ponding allo...
At the floodplain site, prehistoric overbank sediments returned a 1 ± 0.3 ka age. However, Suther et al. [29] regarded this estimate as possibly low-biased and inferred a middle to late-Holocene (≥1 ± 0.3 ka) to protohistoric age for the sediments. Historical alluvium is superimposed ...