coast guard noun 1 :a seagoing force for protecting a coast and people and property at sea 2 usuallycoastguardchiefly British:coastguardsman More from Merriam-Webster oncoast guard Nglish:Translation ofcoast guardfor Spanish Speakers article aboutcoast guard ...
coastguard [ˈkəʊstgɑːd] A.N(=person) →guardacostasmf inv; (=organization) →serviciomdeguardacostas B.CPDcoastguard stationN→puestomdeguardacostas coastguard vesselN→guardacostasm Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co....
Coast′ Guard` n. 1.a U.S. military service charged with enforcing maritime laws, saving lives and property at sea, etc., and which in wartime may augment the navy. 2.(l.c.) any similar organization for aiding navigation, preventing smuggling, etc. ...
(as inbodyguard) also is from early 15c. Sword-play and fisticuffs sense is from 1590s; hence to beon guard(1640s) oroff (one's) guard(1680s). As a football position, from 1889.Guard-railattested from 1860, originally on railroad tracks and running beside the rail on the outside; ...
Coast Guard shows an interdiction team at sea, shouting in Spanish while forcibly boarding a "homemade" submarine alleged to be carrying thousands of pounds of drugs. In the video from June 18, members of the team are seen pounding on the hatch until one of the suspec...
It shows a Coast Guard vessel pulling alongside the submarine as someone yells orders in Spanish for it to stop. The submarine continues to move as Coast Guard members then get close enough to board it as one repeatedly pounds on the hatch before it opens and people on board appear with ...
Phrases Containing coast coast guard coast redwood coast-to-coast gold coast master chief petty officer of the coast guard the coast is clear Rhymes for coast boast doest dosed ghost grossed host most moste roast toast almost engrossed See All Rhymes for coast Browse...
coast guard(n.) alsocoast-guard, 1827, a guard stationed on a coast, originally to prevent smuggling, later serving as a general police force for the coast; seecoast(n.) +guard(n.). coastal(adj.) "of or pertaining to a coast or shore," 1872, fromcoast(n.) +-al(1). The proper...
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has carried out drills around Taiwan with the Coast Guard patrolling the waters in the region(01:06). Chinese Premier Li Qiang is in Pakistan for an SCO meeting and to pay an official visit(09:05). And the United Nations says Israeli tanks have ...
ˈcoastguard noun a person or group of people, employed to watch the coast for smugglers, ships in distress etc. guardacostas Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. coast→ costa Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009...